Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Carter and Faith are saying new words everyday!! My Favorite word that Carter says in turtle. It is the sweetest!!!! I am going to capture this on video tape. Faith says No No Carter. She is the boss and a good one at that. I have an understanding about them that he is going to get into trouble and she is going to be right there as his conscience. They love to eat apples in their high chairs set up next to each other. At meal time they will barter Carter traded his peanut butter sandwich for Faith's crackers. It worked to each of their favor. Bath time is really fun but only if you get the good spot. According to Faith and Carter this is right under the water faucet. They are into everything but for the most part so funny and fun!!!

This is Carter, not to be confused with Chris

Now you know my secrets to keeping a clean house!!!

Look at my FISHING POLE!!!!

Carter pushes Faith in her stroller. I put her baby in it to stroll around - she throws out baby and puts in sippy and pushes sippy (cup) around! Priorities

Fishing in the Bath tub!

Dancing with the Valentine's Dog

Carter in his Valentines Day attire

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