Yesterday morning about 6:20am I could hear Faith stirring (She gets up first every morning). Then silence. A little stir from Carter. Silence. By 6:45am lots of talking by both Faith and Carter. I could not see them but my vision of them was standing in their beds leaning on the rail as they talked to one another hoping for a mommy visit soon. As I walked into the room, my vision became a reality except Faith was jumping around while hanging on to the rail. When ones up we are all up.
Over the Weekend Papa J and Grandma came to visit. Chris fished a tournament with his Dad during the day. Saturday evening we went to dinner with his Grandpa, Granny Barb, Mom, Dad, and of course Faith and Carter. After dinner we went back to His Grandpas house. Grandpa Shack plays the Guitar and other instruments (at 90). He got his guitar out and played for us. Carter was in the spirit that night and felt like Dancing. As PaPa J sang he put his hands on his waist, arms half bent, legs and feet marching up and down as fast as they could go. He was on beat and he was a serious as he could be. He was watching his feet go as if he was amazing himself. We all were tickled to tears. It was one of those moments were you would have given anything and everything for a camera. Then you could be tickled to tears too. The funny part or I guess I should say the other funny part is the next day at church his teacher told us that Carter out danced everyone!!! I wish I could have been there. I hope we don't get kicked out of the Baptist Church.
If you tell a funny on one you must tell a funny on the other. We went to Tennessee for a family reunion in July. We stopped in Nashville for a couple of days before the reunion. We were going to the Grand Ol Opry that night and thought it was important to rest before our activities. We had put Faith and Carter in their pack-n-plays to nap. Chris napped on the couch around the corner from Faith and I napped in the Bed. Everyone had fallen asleep, so we thought. Faith has always been our more difficult one to get down. She does not want to miss a thing (kinda like her Daddy). While we were resting she had climbed up the side of her crib and got a bag of M&Ms off the table beside her. I mean a big bag not the snack size. She helped herself to the colored candies. Chris kept hearing her wrestling paper or something but could not think of what it could be. Well he finally woke up, walked over to find a little girl covered in brown chocolate. She saw him too and quickly started to stuff her mouth with the contraband. It took a full bottle of Spray and wash on her bedding at the local laundry mat before all the stains would budge.